Sunday, 11 February 2007

How christian am I?

I sent an email to a dear friend of mine about the latest clashes in Lebanon between supporters of rival political groups, urging her to calm down, stop demonising the "other side" and urging everyone around her to do the same. Her reply was that she hasn't heard anything more christian than my email! (She knows I'm a die-hard atheist and a religion hater). So how christian am I?

If you ask me, I'd say 0%! I don't believe in Jesus as the son of god, I think the trinity is plain rubbish and Mary was banged indeed. And I'd like to add that miracles can be explained by science and are not exclusive to christianity, Jesus didn't resurrect from the dead and yes he did have lots of sex, probably with men and women or both at the same time.

I know that some of the moral principles of christianity were taught to me by my parents and through catechism classes and by the society as a whole. But can we say that those morals are really christians? Is the act of not killing or hitting or hurting someone because he is different christian? Or is it contemporary morality, a basic moral value that decent people believe in? Isn't that just humanism?

I think it's bizarre of religious people in Lebanon and everywhere to think that morality and moral values come from religion as if it's the only source of morality. Those people are ignoring the fact that they themselves aren't following religious morals but contemporary Lebanese ones that came to be after years of inter-religious conflict and bickering. In other words, you shall be intolerant has knocked out you shall not murder from the 10 commandments.

I think "christian-values" is a big word, in the same league as "eastern values" as opposed to western ones. For me morality is born by and from society, leaders and intellectuals than it is from scripture. Who can say that they follow their holy book word by word? (If you think so you aren't, believe me). Isn't that a proof that morality is ever changing? It's evolving everywhere, going back and forth, some people pushing it towards humanism while others pushing it towards extremism and hate for "the others". And coincidentally, every time a society tried to copy the morality of its holy scripture, it opened pandora's box (trapping Europe in its dark ages, and taking the arab/muslim nation to its current dark ages).

Isn't the best morality, the one that truly maximises people's happiness and their thrive for life, science, art, etc. the one that sets them free to do whatever they want as long as they don't hurt others? And who dares to say that this is christianity, islam, judaism or any other religion?

Religious morality is bad for your health, so quit already!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well written article.