Saturday, 19 May 2007

Jerry Falwell, Hamas and Hezbollah

So big news in the states, Jerry Falwell, the man responsible for the Evangelical awakening and the christianisation of US politics is dead.

He will be remembered as the most influential religious man in US modern history, with millions of followers, a spiritual leader of a fanatical religious American movement.

Does the Jerry Falwell comparison with Hamas and Hezbollah stand? Or is it just militant atheists who see evil in everything religious?

So the guy has said terrible things about foreigners, Arabs, homosexuals and practically anyone not white, American and evangelical. But what the Christians like to point out are his good deeds on earth.

The guy was involved in a lot of charitable work, he created a 10 000 students Liberty University, invested in health care, etc. He's the Christian Samaritan.

Now let's ask the "true Christian" question: did he do all that without motives? Or was it in order to extent his clout over politics? To make himself more influential in American public life?

He actually copied the Hamas and Hezbollah model: help people and you'll get their support and allegiance. Pretty simple right? But with catastrophic consequences.

What have Hamas and Hezbollah delivered for the Lebanese and Palestinian population except their branded help? More bloodshed and hatred? More indoctrination? More people stuck in their stupidity? Millions and millions of people having mass hallucinations and being delusional?

Well America, that's what you'll be getting if you don't stop this radical movement.

It is already scary to see what Hamas and Hezbollah have done in the Middle East, watching the same thing occurring in the most powerful country in the world is terrifying!

Now sit back, relax and enjoy it unfold…

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