Sunday, 11 February 2007

Back to the mohamad caricatures

A very interesting debate has ended in France with freedom of expression trumping blind religious censorship!

Do you remember those mohamad caricatures that were printed out in a Danish right-wing paper that ignited the islamic world, caused dozens of death, riots, tons of hatred and plain rage against Danes, Europeans, westerners and christians? Well they are back and with a vengeance!

This time the setting is France. The players have changed, it's Charlie hebdo a French satirical newspaper that decided to print the caricatures in the name of freedom of expression Vs the blind religious censorship of some representatives of the muslim community. Knowing the laws of France and the attachment that French people have towards freedom of expression and satire (even at the expense of religions and gods), the bigots decided to file charges for racism and incitement to hatred. The court's response was a resounding "whatever and go fuck yourselves". I love this country!

Ok so that was hopeful thinking, the judgement is expected on March 15. The person I was "quoting" was the prosecutor and not the judge. And a minor additional detail: she didn't say whatever nor go fuck yourselves, but I swear that if you look between the lines you could see those statements written in capital letters (WHATEVER AND GO FUCK YOURSELVES for those having a hard time visualising what it would look like)! What she said was that freedom of expression trumps everything, even religious sensibilities be it muslim ones or christians ones! When will someone dare something like that in Lebanon!? Not to forget the mention in capital letters of GO FUCK YOURSELVES destined to all religious leaders who have been oppressing us with their list of what to do and not to do.

Now let's cheer for a deafening GO AND FUCK YOURSELVES by the French court, loud enough in order to be heard by our beloved religious figures in Lebanon.

1 comment:

Marc said...

Moving my comment !

المادة 10: لا يجوز التعرض لأحد لما يبديه من الأفكار حتى في المسائل الدينية على شرط أن تكون هذه الأفكار غير مخلة بالأمن العام.

المادة 11: إن حرية نشر الأفكار والآراء حق من حقوق كل إنسان. فلكل إنسان أن يتكلم ويكتب وينشر آراءه بحرية. ولكن عليه عهدة ما يكتبه في المسائل التي ينص القانون عليها.

إعلان حقوق الإنسان والمواطن
